Center For Dalit Women Nepal

दलित महिला केन्द्र नेपाल

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About CDWN

Center for Dalit Women Nepal (CDWN) is a national-level non-governmental organization dedicated to the political, social, and economic empowerment of Dalits, women, and marginalized groups and it is currently working in 37 districts of 7 provinces in Nepal. CDWN was founded by a group of Dalit women social activists and political leaders in 2016. The organization has been contributing to “A society free from caste and gender discrimination” by fulfilling the mission to “Support the creation of enabling environment for Dalit and marginalized women’s participation in public life”.

CDWN works in partnership with various governmental and non-governmental bodies to raise the voices and ensure participation and rights for Dalit women. CDWN works in coordination with National Dalit Commission - a Nepali constitutional body established to safeguard the rights of Dalits; and the Inter-Generational Feminist Forum (IGFF) - an informal group of feminists working throughout Nepal.Read More



Dalit women are one of the most marginalized and oppressed sections of Nepal society. They are often left out of economic development, and their rights are violated on a regular basis. This is particularly true in rural areas, where Dalit women are often forced to work as field hands or domestics instead of engaging in productive work.Millions of Dalit women are forced to work in fields and agricultural work and are not given any education or other opportunities to earn money.The Discrimination and violence they face on a daily basis prevent them from living with dignity.Our programs have been successful in helping many women gain access to better education and employment opportunities so that they can earn a living and lead happier lives.Our goal is to help these women realize their full potential and help them stand up to their oppressors to claim their rights.

It is sad that the women and girls in our program are often subjected to violence and abuse simply because they belong to a disadvantaged group.We must make every effort to put an end to these atrocities and make sure that Dalit women are given equal opportunities to participate in the mainstream economy. Dalit women face discrimination in almost every aspect of their lives, including their education and employment. They do not receive equal pay for their work and cannot enjoy the same rights as other women in our society.These problems have far-reaching consequences because they keep millions of Dalit women trapped in a cycle of poverty and oppression. By supporting our programs, you can help us make a positive difference in the lives of many underprivileged women across Nepal.We must ensure that Dalit women are able to access education and economic opportunities so that they can lead dignified lives.

Our Impact








Women Empowered

Our Focus Areas

Disaster & Climate Resilience

Economic Empowerment of Dalit and Marginalized Women

Meaningful Participation of Dalit and Marginalized Women on Political and Public Spheres

Eradication of All Forms of Caste and Gender-Based Discrimination


Orientation On GEDSI Policies and Implementation Roles  for Women Ward Member
8 Sep

Orientation On GEDSI Policies and Implementation Roles for Women Ward Member

  • Tansen,Palpa

The Center for Dalit Women Nepal organized "Expert Mentorship for Women Ward Member” Orientation On GEDSI Policies and Implementation Roles in Tansen Municipality, Palpa.The objective of this program was to empower executive women members by enhan ...

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Gender Equality Interaction Program
12 Aug

Gender Equality Interaction Program

  • Banepa

CDWN and NDSS, in collaboration with UN Women and the government of Finland, are jointly implementing the "HAMRO SAHAKARYA" project. This initiative aims to facilitate advocacy and movement-building initiatives in targeted locations.   To ach ...

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Featured Cause

आत्मरक्षा तालिमले बढायो महिला तथा किशोरीको आत्मविश्वास

आत्मरक्षा तालिमले बढायो महिला तथा किशोरीको आत्मविश्वास

महिला र किशोरीहरूको सुरक्षा रक्षा गर्नका लागि हाम्रो संगठन, दलित महिला केन्द्र, ले आत्मरक्षा तालिममा विशेष जोर दिएको छ।यस तालिमले हाम्रो महिला तथा किशोरीहरूलाई आत्मविश्वासको उन्नति गराएको छ ।"आत्मरक्षा तालिममा हात खुट्टा चलाएर आफ्नो बचाउ गर्ने उपायहरु स . . .

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Our Causes

16-day campaign against gender-based violence launched

16-day campaign against gender-based violence launched

Dalit Women's Center, Kathmandu. The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the 16-day camp ...

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Dalit women are vulnerable to sexual exploitation and are often victims of trafficking and forced sex labor. Among the Dalit community

Dalit women are vulnerable to sexual exploitation and are often victims of trafficking and forced sex labor. Among the Dalit community

The women of the Badi group are largely looked down upon as sex workers. Dalit girls in general are trafficked to India ...

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Rehabilitation Project

Rehabilitation Project

CDWN formed the Dalit NGO Consortium along with three national NGOs; Dalit Welfare Association (DWA), Legal Aid and Rese ...

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आगलागी राहत प्रदान

आगलागी राहत प्रदान

गाेलवजार न.पा. वडा नं. ३ जरूवा निवासी जित बहादुर विश्वकर्माकाे घर गत माघ ६ गते आगलागी भएर पूर्णरुपमा क्षती पुगेकाे र घरम ...

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