Center For Dalit Women Nepal

दलित महिला केन्द्र नेपाल

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Past Programs

Summary of past programs

S.N. Name of Project Objectives Project Area Donor Duration
1 Dalit Women Empowerment and Inclusive Government (INCLUDE) Project To contribute enhancing the dignified living condition of the Dalits communities especially Dalit women through socio-economic empowerment and inclusive governance.


Church in
February 2019-January 2021
2 Political Empowerment of Elected Dalit Women Representatives (PEER) Project To achieve a sustainable mechanism to ensure meaningful participation and leadership of the EDWRs in democratic governance and more equality and equitability in public decision- making. Arghakhanchi, Palpa, Rupandehi and Nawalparasi (west) of Province 5 Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation December 2018- December 2020
3 Empowering Women and Girls Through Capacity Development and Multi Sectoral Approaches to Prevent and Respond to Gender Based Violence in Dhanusa District To address all forms of GBV against women and girls by supporting them with resources they can use to tackle GBV at home and in the community. To enable women and girls to become aware about their legal rights and Dhanusha CFLI September 2021-April 2023 avoid accepting the violence perpetuated by their spouses, other family members, or outsiders. To help concerned stakeholders realize the importance of their role to support GBV victims Dhanusa District Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) September 2021-April 2023
4 Institutional capacity strengthening project and WASH project To support the earthquake affected victim survivors Gorkha, Bagmati Province Empower Dalit Women of Nepal May 2016- June 2017
5 Building awareness to fight against Pandemic and enhancing sustainable livelihood of Dalit Community in Nepal Build the capacity to cope with pandemic situation along with improved livelihoods and economic opportunities for women of Dalit and marginalized communities Dailekh, Bagmati Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) July 2020- June 2021
6 Sustainable Livelihoods Support for women of Dalit and marginalized community To improve livelihood and economic opportunities for women of Dalit and marginalized communities Siraha, Province 2 Irish Aid December 2019- November 2020
7 Enhancing Elected Women Representative’s Meaningful Participation in Local Government To strengthen the capacity of locally Elected Women Representatives (EWRs) to participate in local government in a meaningful and effective manner Siraha, Province 2 United Nations Development Program (UNDP) August 2019- March 2020
8 Inclusive Community Forest User Group To make the community forestry user groups inclusive in terms of Dalit and marginalized community representation Kaski, Parsa, Tanahu TAF Sept 2020 – Dec 2021
9 More inclusive civic engagement for effective governance To support local government in effective governance adapting the principle of good governance and civic engagement Bhaktapur, Kavre, Gulmi, Palpa, Kapilvastu, Banke, Dhading, Nuwakot, Kailali, Dadeldhura FHI July – Oct 2021

She Leads – Women Leadership Program

To fulfill the gap observed in the capacity and leadership of elected women representatives and create enabling environment at family,societial and institutional levels.


Technical Partner:International Foundations for Electoral System (IFES)Financial Assistance:Australian Aid, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
