Enhancing citizen participation in good governance
She leads Nepal (Women Leadership Program)
Empowering women and girls through capacity development and multi- sectoral approaches to prevent and respond to Gender-Based Violence in Dhanusha district, Nepal.
Strengthenings Collective voices to end GVB
Providing Fire Relief To Victims
Final Version of 7 Steps Planning and Budgeting
Expert mentoring workshop Wailung
Expert Mentoring Workshop For Elected Women And Ward Members Dolakha
छुवाछूत मुक्त राष्ट्र घोषणाः अवसर, कार्यान्वयन र चुनौती विषयक अन्तरक्रिया
Monitoring Visit From UN Women
राजनीतिमा महिलाको सहभागिता र नेतृत्वका लागि राजनीतिक दलहरूसँग अन्तरक्रिया
Livelihood package support (HAMRO SAHAKARYA)
Honoring Nepali Celebrities for Advocacy Against Caste and Gender-Based Violence
Gender Equality Interaction Program
"Gender Transformative Dialogue" MTOT Trainer Training
Peace day event
Human Rights Defenders Training at the local level.
Relief Distribution for FloodSurvivors
Monitoring visit - Hamro Sahakarya
Relief Distribution at Jagaran Tole, Balkhu
UPR Recommendations from the Perspective of Dalit and Marginalized Communities
Report Publication and Discussion Program on the Education, Health, and Economic Status of the Haliya Musahar, and Santhal Communities.
Joint Monitoring visit with UN Women - Hamro Sahakarya