Center For Dalit Women Nepal

दलित महिला केन्द्र नेपाल

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About CDWN

Center for Dalit Women Nepal (CDWN) is a national-level non-governmental organization dedicated to the political, social, and economic empowerment of Dalits, women, and marginalized groups and it is currently working in 37 districts of 7 provinces in Nepal.

CDWN was founded by a group of Dalit women social activists and political leaders in 2016. The organization has been contributing to “A society free from caste and gender discrimination” by fulfilling the mission to “Support the creation of enabling environment for Dalit and marginalized women’s participation in public life”.

CDWN is based in Kathmandu but works in rural districts. 


About Us

CDWN works in partnership with various governmental and non-governmental bodies to raise the voices and ensure participation and rights for Dalit women. CDWN works in coordination with National Dalit Commission - a Nepali constitutional body established to safeguard the rights of Dalits; and the Inter-Generational Feminist Forum (IGFF) - an informal group of feminists working throughout Nepal. CDWN is a member of the Dalit NGO Federation, a national umbrella, network organization focusing on eliminating caste-based discrimination and the protection and promotion of Dalits human rights.

The Center for Dalit Women continues to work on the rights of Dalit women through various programs contributing to capacity, voice and agency and the political empowerment of Dalit Women. See current programs Here.

Our Working Theme

Board of Directors

Name: Laxmi Pariyar

Post: Chairperson

Working Address:Kathamndu

Name: Dulari Harijan

Post: Vice Chairperson

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Gaura Nepali

Post: General Secretary

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Santi Sada

Post: Treasurer

Working Address:Kathamndu

Name: Prabha Pariyar

Post: Member

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Rukmini Ruchal

Post: Member

Working Address:Kathmandu

Our Team

Name: Tejendra Lama

Post: Executive Director

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Bhubneshwor Singh

Post: Grant and Finance manager

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Maleena Maharjan

Post: Project Team Leader

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Kalpana Kaucha

Post: Sr. Finance Officer

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Hreeju Rasaily

Post: Program Manager

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Aibha Shrestha


Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Kiran Gautam

Post: Program Officer

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Nisha Shrestha

Post: MEAL Officer

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Bhawana Pariyar

Post: Office Assistant

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Samjhana Gautam

Post: Finance Assistant

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Bina Pun

Post: Office Assistant

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Arun Roy

Post: IT cum Project Officer

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Nirmala Sai

Post: Field Officer

Working Address:Tansen

Name: Dipak Kumar Nayak

Post: Finance Intern

Working Address:Kathmandu

Name: Ritesh Shashankar

Post: Field Officer

Working Address:Mithila

Name: Dharma Subedi

Post: Field Officer

Working Address:Birendranagar

Name: Rabindra (Ghatani) B.K.

Post: Field Officer

Working Address:Bhimeshwor

Name: Meena kumari Chaudhary

Post: Field Officer

Working Address:Tikapur

Name: Anand Pakhrin

Post: LPW (Local Peace Worker)

Working Address:Golbazar,Siraha