Analyzing Nepal's Adoption and Implementation of UPR Recommendations from the Perspective of Dalit and Marginalized Communities
CDWN, in collaboration with the Grassroots Development Foundation and with the support of our valued partners ELCA, The Lutheran World Federation, and Lutheran Community Welfare Society, successfully organized an insightful discussion program titled-"Analyzing Nepal's Adoption and Implementation of UPR Recommendations from the Perspective of Dalit and Marginalized Communities."
This event provided a platform to examine the acceptance and progress of suggestions provided to Nepal under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on human rights. By focusing on the lived experiences and perspectives of Dalit and marginalized groups, the program highlighted critical gaps and opportunities for advancing human rights in Nepal.
Indreni Banquet, Kathmandu
Date :
29 Dec, 2024
Time :
Event Type :
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