Improving the quality of life in Jajarkot and Rukum West after devastating earthquake-phase II
Project Area
- Aathbiskot Municipality of Jajarkot district and Nalgadh Municipality of East Rukum under Karnali Province
- 5000+ people affected by 2080 earthqauke
Donor/Fund Name
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Project Objective
- To ensure the provision of clean and healthy drinking water and WASH facilities, as well as promote good health practices, for earthquake survivors, thereby fostering a healthy and resilient community.
- To enhance disaster preparedness through Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) training and improve capabilities in Response, Recovery, and Resilience (RRR) to mitigate the impact of disasters and ensure sustainable recovery.
Project Expected Outcome
- To Ensure clean drinking water and WASH facilities for earthquake survivors to foster a healthy and resilient community.
- To Build water tanks at Dalit Janabikas School in Aathbiskot and Nalgadh Ward 6, benefiting 850 people.
- To Repair 60 toilets in Aathbiskot Ward 11 to improve sanitation.
- To Provide Master Training of Trainers (MTOT) on WASH and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) to reach 5,000 people.
Project Activities
- Building 4 drinking water tank
- Construction of 60 toilets
- DRR and RRR Training
- LDCRP Guideline